Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Added more crap to my etsy shop!

I love saying that - not the crap part but the 'my etsy shop' part. Tee-hee. I thought I'd de-stash (another word I learned from browsing etsy) my stock of jewelry supplies.

Oh yea! I got my first customer yesterday wohoo! She bought some sterling silver end connectors, 30 pcs I think for $1.50. Which of course after all the etsy fees and paypal fees and currency exchange etc. amounts to say, 50 cents? Heh - I can't remember anyways what I paid for it! It was screaming to get used and I wasn't gonna get to them anytime soon so I thought I'd find it a new home :)

I'm so excited! I also purchased my first etsy item! It's this retro purse I saw on crafster site.

Find her awesome tutorial here

It's sooooooooo pretty! Anywho so I go shop for the supplies in a lame attempt to replicate this goodness - thank gudness for my honey who watched the boys for a couple of hours while I go hit the fabric stores. Well, that was fun. NOT! I get to the store, have no idea what type of fabric to buy, and the chick couldn't help me either because she looked like she'd rather be out in the sun (I don't blame her) while the other older lady gave me the cut eye because I interrupted her I'm sure ever exciting convo with another lady.

I found the D-rings, no one knew what the heck a piping is - they showed me some really fancy cords. So home I go.

Well, Delainie had the purse up on her etsy shop! I can't tell you how fast my fingers went to buy it and check it out but alas! It wouldn't let me because she had no shipping to Canada. I convo'd her, replied back promptly but someone else already bought it off her! I cried. I did.

Thankfully she is making me one! And the absolute BESTEST part? It's the same pattern but in pink! Did I say pink?!! YES, PINK and it's alllllllllllll mine!!!! I'll post pics when I get it. I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it oh yeah!

Well I can't call myself a loser since my hubby says so.

I'm such a geek.

(hopes no one reads this blog)

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