Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's the Itsy Bitsy Shoppy at Etsy!

I did it! Opened my very own Etsy shop! It is www.streetscrapyard.etsy.com - I don't have anything posted yet for sale, need to make some stuff and take great pics! I don't really care nor do I think I can make any money off selling on etsy (or ebay for that matter) but I love the fact that I own my 'very own little shop', selling my crafts. I figure if I can't afford to lease an actual spot and have live walk-in customers, why not start small and do it virtually? It's virtually free! LOL -

I've got all these ideas on what to make and what to sell, I just need to find the time to do them - hopefully this summer - and the best part is, my kids can help me! Wohoo!!! So babe, I know you might be reading this when you're bored out of your mind, or don't feel like working - spread the word!

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