Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So today was quite busy - took AJ to swimming lessons with Cammy Whammy and Daniel baby in tow. I was pleasantly surprised at how AJ is at swimming! Didn't quite expect him to be THAT good at it - considering he's been out of swimming school for several months. And not that I feel that the lessons from the YMCA were helping him progress much anyways.
Then off to Michael's to return some goodies and as usual, my kids somehow trick me into getting them what's supposed to be a toy but hidden underneath all that fancy fan toy is a candy! I always fall for it although it was a great way to get them to keep quiet for the ride home.
Oh yea, on the way home I stop by the Post Office to mail out some stuff I sold yesterday at Etsy! Yay! 3 items sold! The choco strawberry donut earrings sold! Now the ugh part, grumpy old hag behind the cash thinks it's too thick! Wants to charge me around 5 bucks when I've always paid only $1.86 (plus good old taxes). And the donut earrings? $12 shipping to BC! Um hello?!? I only charged $2 for shipping. So now I don't know what to do...

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