Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hair Clips!

Covered in fabric! WOOT!

The fabric I won in ebay has arrived! My dear hubby is probably having a heart attack seeing I have posted 3 consecutive posts saying something I have ordered has arrived. Hahaha! They arrived over the last few weeks, just never had time to do anything with them.

I have been researching on how I can make these hair clips covered in fabric because I soooo love these! The buttons were from Fabricland - verrry pricey for me though. So in order for me to make some more for sale at my etsy shop, I'd have to buy them in LARGE amounts. And I mean LARGE. Which means I'd have to spend all that hard earned money in my paypal account :(

I will have to eat the cost, buy some at fabricland, deco them up and see how or if they sell at all on my etsy shop. I'll also pitch it at my friend's hair salon, maybe I'll have better luck there.

Ain't it so pretty! The buttons are 3/4" in diameter. I also made a ponytail with a larger button, 1 1/8" but that one didn't make it for the camera shots. I loved it too much I wore it already!

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