Saturday, July 28, 2007

More Bamboo Tile Necklaces

So I picked some of my favorite papers and decided to make more bamboo tile necklaces. Here are some of my favorites.
I love this one too.

And another one.

Group shot - oh and they're all gone except for two I think. Time to make some more!

Weekly Blogging

So it appears I only have time to update my blog on a weekly basis - at least for now during the summer - having the boys home isn't exactly as relaxing as I had hoped it would be. Too many things to do and so little time!

Let's see - I have hit my 50 items sold mark! Wohoo! And in just over a month. Now I know I'm not selling $50 worth of super gorgeous artwork or master jewelry pieces but hey, my goal of earning $500 to buy the button machine? I am halfway there. So yes, I am more than pleased!

I made some cup cake cards! I bought this downloadable file of cupcake images and they are too cute!

I bought a souffle sakura pen set off ebay. These markers are sooo cool! They dry puffy so it's almost like embossing pen minus the heating part. I have to try coloring these cupcakes with watercolour pencils.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time stamp

The other day Mike asked me if I was posting on my blog at 4 am.

So I figured it out! My time setting was set to GMT Pacific. All changed now.

Hair Clips!

Covered in fabric! WOOT!

The fabric I won in ebay has arrived! My dear hubby is probably having a heart attack seeing I have posted 3 consecutive posts saying something I have ordered has arrived. Hahaha! They arrived over the last few weeks, just never had time to do anything with them.

I have been researching on how I can make these hair clips covered in fabric because I soooo love these! The buttons were from Fabricland - verrry pricey for me though. So in order for me to make some more for sale at my etsy shop, I'd have to buy them in LARGE amounts. And I mean LARGE. Which means I'd have to spend all that hard earned money in my paypal account :(

I will have to eat the cost, buy some at fabricland, deco them up and see how or if they sell at all on my etsy shop. I'll also pitch it at my friend's hair salon, maybe I'll have better luck there.

Ain't it so pretty! The buttons are 3/4" in diameter. I also made a ponytail with a larger button, 1 1/8" but that one didn't make it for the camera shots. I loved it too much I wore it already!

Lucite Earrings!

The lucite flowery beads came in! Sometime awhile ago ;) but of course, since I lack free time, I don't get to do as much crafting as I'd like. I'm sure my family will beg to differ.

Here they are! Paired with Swarovski crystals - all matchy matchy since I like to match - but why stop at the Swarovskis? I had some really cool looking pastel 4mm Czech beads which added more purtiness.

I think my favorite is pink.

Oh, and they're in Etsy

Close up shot of the pink ones:

Bamboo Tile Necklace

The bamboo tiles arrived sometime last week but didn't get a chance to do anything until a couple of days ago.
This paper really caught my eye, in dark blue/black background and white raised textures, patterns of flowers and others, I knew it was perfect for the necklace!

After applying the mod podge to adhere it, I used the triple thick layer gloss to give it a nice shine and finish.

Tada! Listed on my Etsy shop. Naturally I had to have my own too :P

So I really have no clue what type of paper it is. I have seen some etsy sellers say 'washi' and some 'chiyogami'. No idea what the difference was between the two. At the time of listing (which is everytime!), I had to rush things. Everything these days is a rush. While I love making stuff, I do wish I had more time to spend on the nitty gritty details - especially - since I am a perfectionist! As you can see, I have failed to cut this paper straight plus did I mention I love it too much? So this particular one is mine. I will have to make another one, actually a few more and list them on the shop. Anywho, I digress. My point IS - since the paper came with nothing english on it except for the price tag, and since I was in a real hurry to list this and post it (I'm sure it was Daniel waking up or could've been Cammy whining for me), no time to look up the definition, I just naturally assumed it is the chiyogami kind of japanese paper.

I guess I should verify at some point and make sure my definition is correct.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cropping at Woodstock

This past weekend I lug my whole family to Woodstock for the Cricut weekend Swarm. What a great day! Mildly stressful having baby Daniel with me but I was really happy to have finally met all the wonderful ladies on the Cricut message board. Thank goodness Sisi came along, she helped out a lot with Daniel and she also had lots of fun! (Way too much if you ask me).
I kept reminding myself that I would take a picture of the kit I put together for the girls but naturally I didn't. The kit included the following:
8 pack 8x8 paper and embellies in 4 different themes (A Lady's world, Sugar High, Spring Time and Pretty Princess - gotta love the Dollarama)
Band Aid tin for embellishing
Mini clipboard
Mini notebook and RSVP pen (aw man I forgot to do this with them!)
Bat necklace - this was fun
Donut earrings - this was even more fun!
Slug charms - this was the funnest! 3 other ladies joined us for slug-making and Candace was high-larious!
Hair pins - aw I didn't get to do this either :(
I'm pretty sure the girls liked their kits - I know the mommies did - they were all very thankful and grateful and I really had tons of fun with the girls! We even sat down for dinner together (thankfully Daniel slept the whole dinner time).
Once photobucket is loaded with the pics, I'll post some here.

Bread Tags

I've been looking at some of the tags sold on Etsy - and thought - hey that's one way to use up my paper stash! And a reason to power up my bugs. Plus I've been wanting to use the bread tag feature on the Walk in my Garden cartridge. So here it is! A million tags run through the cuttlebug for the dry embossing sentiments along the bottom. These are perfect as gift tags - with or without the ribbon!
Wish I had more embossing folders though. Hah! Time to go shopping :)

More slugs!

It appears my slugs are too cute to pass! I've had a special order of brown and white earrings from a lady in Australia (she's so funny too) and another pair of white earrings from a gal somewhere in the US of A.

Sadly, my very first slug - the yellow chick/whale which sold in an hour after listing on Etsy - is lost in the mail :( I hope one day someday, she finds a loving home.

So what to do? Cook up some more! Sorry pic is blurry. Daniel was reaching for the camera.

These are the baby kinds, real nice and small. Next up is a charm bracelet with 5 slugs. Up for sale on Etsy. I don't wanna do this again for the price I sell it for. Wayyyy too much work.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bat Necklace

Been wanting to do this in forever! My favorite is the pink one. I tried putting mica powders on them but that didn't work! So I left them as is.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Summer Bloom Dots

I bought a bunch of those hair snap clips in the hopes of making some clay cutesy stuff and attaching to the hair clips for sale at etsy. Problem is, the hair snap clips are too small! Just under 1.5" - I think it'll only work on wee little girls. So I have yet to figure out what to do with those.

In the meantime, I made these using the 2.5" hair pins. These are made with thicker felt flowers and snap buttons in the middle. Adhered using stinky E6000. I've been avoiding buying this adhesive forever but alas, the time has come that I really DO need it. And yet again, my silhoutte in the background.

Another shot
With bloom dots cuttlebugged card
I tried getting Cammy to model these but his hair is not long enough. AJ's is too stiff. And Daniel, well, like father like son, he doesn't have enough hair.

Not to mention they're all boys.

So needless to say, had to use me. Ignore the oil in my hair. And all the greys. My hubby says that at one time I was a hottie. At one time, a WHILE ago.

New at Etsy

I've been busy.

Wohoo! I am up to 31 sold items at my etsy shop! Boy it feels grreeaaattt! Well kind of. LOL. My most popular item is the cell phone lariat lot of 25. I think I have it cheapest at etsy. Only problem is, when I bought them, they didn't come with the split rings. So I have to put them on and they are a wee bit of a pain to put on! So needless to say, I think I will stop selling them until I get a chance to attach the split rings so it doesn't drive me nuts everytime someone orders.

I made these funky mod circle style bracelets and earrings. Made of anodized aluminum and comes in 4 vibrant colors! I love them! They are sooo funky!

Matching earrings

I'm such a dork. If you look really closely on the above image, you can see my silhoutte taking the pic. Hehe.

Matching tin case. I find extreme joy in packaging up these goodies. Possibly more than putting the jewelry together.

I've given one for a swap and sold 5 bracelets and a pair of these earrings! Woot!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So today was quite busy - took AJ to swimming lessons with Cammy Whammy and Daniel baby in tow. I was pleasantly surprised at how AJ is at swimming! Didn't quite expect him to be THAT good at it - considering he's been out of swimming school for several months. And not that I feel that the lessons from the YMCA were helping him progress much anyways.
Then off to Michael's to return some goodies and as usual, my kids somehow trick me into getting them what's supposed to be a toy but hidden underneath all that fancy fan toy is a candy! I always fall for it although it was a great way to get them to keep quiet for the ride home.
Oh yea, on the way home I stop by the Post Office to mail out some stuff I sold yesterday at Etsy! Yay! 3 items sold! The choco strawberry donut earrings sold! Now the ugh part, grumpy old hag behind the cash thinks it's too thick! Wants to charge me around 5 bucks when I've always paid only $1.86 (plus good old taxes). And the donut earrings? $12 shipping to BC! Um hello?!? I only charged $2 for shipping. So now I don't know what to do...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Donuts and Poo

So finally got a chance to trying out the donuts with my Cammy whammy - my oldest AJ didn't seem too interested. Especially after hubby started playing the Wii. Anywho - polymer clay again. Adding the sprinkles got messy especially since Cammy liked swirling them around the table! At least he didn't try to eat them.

We tried making the cake - but alas! It was finally time to feed my sons dinner (at 10 pm) so off we run to DQ, but the cake is still in the oven! So quickly I pull it out, slice it, put it back in, told my hubby to take it out and turn it off in 15 minutes so when I returned, the cake was all crumbly... so into the garbage it went.

What else we did? The golden poo! I tried to convince AJ to have it listed on his etsy shop but just couldn't coax him into it. Mike couldn't blame him either.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


For a limited time only in celebration of Canada Day and Independence Day, all items are on sale at my etsy shop! Buy one get one 50% off! So hurry and take advantage of this great deal!

(This is kinda funny because I know only you Mike, my ever supportive and loving hubby reads my blog but I'm pretending I have a gazillion readers I'm advertising my sale to. Bwahahahaha)

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Yay! Delainie has finished making my very own funky purse! Quick as a lightning I paypal her the money and hopefully next week I get to carry this sweetness around!

I CANNOT wait to get this! I am so excited! And if I get some 5 hours to myself and find the perfect fabric I will hopefully try to make the same thing using her tute. (wipes drool)

Very Punny Tags

So I've been wanting to do these tags since I accidentally bid $900 for these stamps on ebay when I meant to bid $9.00 only. Thankfully it didn't end more than $26 bucks. A lot more than I wanted to pay for but heh - what can you do. Learning lesson for me for sure.

What a pain to color in with the brush markers. Too time consuming.

For a supposedly craft loving mama, I bitch way too much about making these darn crafts. I wanna sell stuff already so I can make $500 I need to purchase the button machine! (But that's another chance to create a new post - LOL)

And.... a close up shot. Well, sort of.

Religious Charms

When I made the Rosary bracelets for my sisters (godmothers) for my sons' baptism, I loved them so much I thought I'd make more to sell on Etsy. Of course I've made none - but anyways - I bought these Mother Mary and Baby Jesus charms to add onto the bracelets. I can't quite afford sterling silver (each would cost me around $4-$5) so I opted for Pewter finished, nickel and lead free instead - should also keep the cost down of the bracelets -

So I buy it from China and of course they had to come in hundreds (with ridiculous shipping fees 10 times the price of the item! Sheesh). So what to do? Make them into quickie charms!

My mom has a friend who sells cell phones so hopefully I can supply her with these to sell along with her cell phones. I like them - very nice small gift for a church loving friend... or foe (to ward off those evilness)

In their neat packaging (cause I have to have everything matching) - my dear Cameroni helped me with these :)

Invasion of the Baby Whale Slugs

That yellow chick or whale? Sold in less than an hour - LOL - I listed it on Etsy to see if it'll sell and it did! Wohoo! So naturally I just had to make more. These guys have been mixed with metallic pearlized mica powders. The pics don't do them justice, the sheen on these guys are too pretty.

Close up of my favorite - she's a preemie - smallest of the bunch!
These guys are too cute! But those mouths are a PIA to draw!

In their packed up ready to go glory -

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

School's Out!

For Cameron anyway - my 2nd born son.

I have officially gone insane.

Why do kids keep asking, "Mom watch me! Did you see that? Mom Look! Mom watch this!" EVERY seconds! It's driving me crazy!

He's driving me crazy!!

Baby Chick..... or Whale.... yellow, whale

So this was supposed to be a baby chick.

But it looks like a whale. That's yellow. Well I don't really know what it is now.

Made of polymer clay, eyes, cheeks and mouth hand drawn with acrylics. Matching yellow swarovski bead and yellow lariat.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Added more crap to my etsy shop!

I love saying that - not the crap part but the 'my etsy shop' part. Tee-hee. I thought I'd de-stash (another word I learned from browsing etsy) my stock of jewelry supplies.

Oh yea! I got my first customer yesterday wohoo! She bought some sterling silver end connectors, 30 pcs I think for $1.50. Which of course after all the etsy fees and paypal fees and currency exchange etc. amounts to say, 50 cents? Heh - I can't remember anyways what I paid for it! It was screaming to get used and I wasn't gonna get to them anytime soon so I thought I'd find it a new home :)

I'm so excited! I also purchased my first etsy item! It's this retro purse I saw on crafster site.

Find her awesome tutorial here

It's sooooooooo pretty! Anywho so I go shop for the supplies in a lame attempt to replicate this goodness - thank gudness for my honey who watched the boys for a couple of hours while I go hit the fabric stores. Well, that was fun. NOT! I get to the store, have no idea what type of fabric to buy, and the chick couldn't help me either because she looked like she'd rather be out in the sun (I don't blame her) while the other older lady gave me the cut eye because I interrupted her I'm sure ever exciting convo with another lady.

I found the D-rings, no one knew what the heck a piping is - they showed me some really fancy cords. So home I go.

Well, Delainie had the purse up on her etsy shop! I can't tell you how fast my fingers went to buy it and check it out but alas! It wouldn't let me because she had no shipping to Canada. I convo'd her, replied back promptly but someone else already bought it off her! I cried. I did.

Thankfully she is making me one! And the absolute BESTEST part? It's the same pattern but in pink! Did I say pink?!! YES, PINK and it's alllllllllllll mine!!!! I'll post pics when I get it. I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it oh yeah!

Well I can't call myself a loser since my hubby says so.

I'm such a geek.

(hopes no one reads this blog)

Monday, June 25, 2007

More Kawaii

Kuromi, the black kitty or bunny or whatever the heck it is - is apparently My Melody's arch rival. I think, there's a Japanese show on My Melody and Kuromi is her arch enemy. Anywho - these two are so cute! Made from shrinky dinks, embossed for lacquer protection. Adorned with swarovski crytals and all sterling silver components. They are up for sale on ebay - I'm curious to see how much, if at all, it sells.


So in the past few weeks, my net surfing has landed me on many a japanese cutesy pages. Kawaii (pronounced like kuh-wa-yee) it turns out is the term used by Japanese categorizing all the cutesy stuff they have. It ranges from small mini food charms to Sanrio stuff I used to love growing up in the Philippines. This stuff is so darn addicting!

Here is my first try at the lollipop earrings.

Close up of the suckers:

Still not happy with them as I am too much of a perfectionist. I will have another go at it. I'm researching on how to scent them and if successful - I'll etsy them up - looks yummy though!

More Teacher Gifts

For Miss Filipuzzi or someone like that - hehe - my sister's son's fave teacher apparently. It appears they are sucking up to her so she can overlook my nephew's behavioral issues - LOL - just kidding!
Close up of the jewelry set - I also put these up on etsy for sale at $20 for the set.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Teacher Gifts

I was on a mission to get my son Cameron's teachers gifts this year - well that was a royal pain in the hiney! LOL - too much work! It was fun making these though...

Bags made from Tags, Bags, Boxes and More using my little cricut bug - love how they turned out. I tried doing homemade rub-ons using transparency and my inkjet printer but it turned out blotchy. Heck I'm leaving it as is! I love those ball chains to hold the tags, the colors are so purty!!

What are in the bags you ask? Tada! All handmade crap - from left to right - cellphone/ipod charm using the teacher's first name initial. Made using wonderful shrinky dinks! Then embossed with holographic powder. The card inside where the charm is attached to is run through the cuttlebug with the word "thanks". Next up is the tiny lip balm - radically healing I might add - made with some tea tree oil for anti-fungal/bacterial effects and emu oil for the chapped lips healing effects (yes, I know it's summer but they can use it in a few months when fall starts!). Last but not the least, lollipop earrings! Made using polymer clay - this was my second go at it. The first batch didn't turn out so good. These aren't bad, not too happy with it. I'm researching on how to scent these little suckers (hehe pardon the pun). Once I'm happy with the turnout, I think they'll be my first showcased items in my etsy shop. Strawberry, blueberry, cotton candies oh my!

These ones are for my sister's sons' teachers. I'm supposed to make a bracelet for one of them but I haven't gotten to it yet. These are DVD tins altered with such purty flower papers and some of my fave Kelly Panacci papers. The monogram is homemade chipboard.

Inside are a junior legal pad (2 for a buck) - had to be trimmed to fit and an RSVP pen. Maybe I'll add a bookmark.

Phew - ay syet! That date at the bottom corner of this pic! It's my sister's bday today! Gotta go greet her.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's the Itsy Bitsy Shoppy at Etsy!

I did it! Opened my very own Etsy shop! It is - I don't have anything posted yet for sale, need to make some stuff and take great pics! I don't really care nor do I think I can make any money off selling on etsy (or ebay for that matter) but I love the fact that I own my 'very own little shop', selling my crafts. I figure if I can't afford to lease an actual spot and have live walk-in customers, why not start small and do it virtually? It's virtually free! LOL -

I've got all these ideas on what to make and what to sell, I just need to find the time to do them - hopefully this summer - and the best part is, my kids can help me! Wohoo!!! So babe, I know you might be reading this when you're bored out of your mind, or don't feel like working - spread the word!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 2

of my new blogging experience.

This thing is pretty cool - it's like talking to myself. How the heck do you get other people to comment on your blog entries? I'm gonna call my hubby and have him post a comment. That way I won't feel like such a loser.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Godparents gifts

I'm loving this new blog thing! Here are the godparents gifts I made last week for my sons' christening last Sunday. Pictured are the godmothers' rosary bracelets - they are made using their birth month colours. Made out of swarovski crystals and all sterling silver findings.

I also made matching cards with matching jewelry tins and bags - used the stylized flower embossing folders on the DCWV cardstock and ran them through the cuttlebug. The little gift bag is cut using Tags, Bags, Boxes and More with cricut setting at 5 1/2".

For the godfathers, I made simple keychains (my dear husband Mike is getting them something else but I wanted to hand them something at the Christening). Keychain is silvertone with heliotrope swarovski cross.

And of course, the matching cards and tins (no gift bags this time!)

I'm hoping to sell similar gift sets - it'll be great for briday jewelry! Thanks for looking!

Now what?

I'm so excited! My very own blogspot!
Now if only I know what to write...

I am currently on maternity leave with my Valentine baby now 4 months tomorrow! Wohoo! Tomorrow he gets his 4th month needle and I am not looking forward to that!

I am thinking about opening up an etsy shop - sell some of the items I make for family and friends. Here are some necklaces I made for a few friends of mine from the cricut MB. They are made of shrinky dinks, coated with clear embossing powder. The pic doesn't show the shine but they really are glossy!

That was super easy!

I am now an official blogger! Or is that blogspotter?